Hi Paul. I don't have much time this morning, but based on my very quick look, the first things that jump out at me are:
1) It seems a little over-optimised. Particularly the home page. I'd be using that page to illustrate how succinct and elegant you can be. Use your nav and Services page to list your services, and your deep pages and blog to provide the backbone content for your SEO.
2) The Website Copywriters page
http://www.caboodlecopy.com/Website_copywriters.html seems to be all bold. Not good for readability.
3) Your calls to action seem a little long (the bold bits at the bottom of your page). There's too much bold, so it undermines the emphasis.
4) I'd be careful of unmarked links. Google generally doesn't like it when you show something different to readers than you show to search engines.
5) The rotating graphics in your header are a little confusing to me. Usually this space is dedicated to your own branding. You appear to be using it to showcase the brands of your clients. This may detract from your own brand a bit. Maybe rotate your client's brands somewhere else on the home page - somewhere where it's clear that it's a portfolio / showcase item?
That's my two cents' worth, anyway.