Divine Write Copywriting Forum

Help needed with Copywriting
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Author:  ef-paddy [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Help needed with Copywriting

Hi all,

I was hoping you guys could provide me with some insight.

I have started on an assignment where the aim is to sell myself through copy to my lecturer. It's going to be a print ad on an a3 board with copy similar to the the economist print ads
because i really like their approach and so does my lecturer.

Now comes the hard part, I have no idea how to write good copy, I have read a lot of text but only have a week to do this, so I thought I would post up what I have and hopefully some experienced copywriters could point me in the right direction?

My lecturer has a distinct dislike for the words awesome, fantastic, if,so, but and the exclamation mark, so I was thinking something like:

Patrick Cameron
Breaking through the copywriting clutter of awesome! and fantastic!, no if so or buts about it.

Now i think this is fairly average in terms of writing (almost bordering on cheesy) but i do like the idea and if there's anything I've learnt it's that if you have an idea you can work on it. I hope I've made sense and I don't come off as wanting someone to do this assignment for me. I just figure if i want to do well then who better to ask for help than professional coppywriters.

Looking forward to your replies,


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