I hear a lot about how web copy and print copy are necessarily different, but I'm not sure I agree.
The conventional wisdom says we should keep our web copy short 'n sweet, but print copy can be a little more verbose. The main argument is that it's physically harder to read web copy (and there are normally more distractions).
I disagree 'cos I don't think print copy can afford to be verbose, either. With the degree of information-overload experienced by most audiences, ALL copy should be short 'n sweet, regardless of the medium.
My opinion aside, though, it's been my experience that print copy is naturally becoming more and more like web copy. Rather than wearing the cost of writing two of virtually every piece of collateral, most businesses are simply re-using their web copy for print. What's more, audiences are now so accumstomed to the navigation of the standard website (Home, About Us, Products, Services, Contact Us, etc.), that even these headings are being used in print.
NOTE: True to the rules of this forum, I'm not talking about SEO web copy above. Just web copy written purely for human visitors.
What does everyone think?
_________________ Glenn Murray
Divine Write Copywriting Pty Ltd